Hannity and Olbermann are idiots

If you are not familiar with Sean Hannity and Keith Olbermann than consider yourself saved. Saved from the biased bs that they deliver to millions of people. Whether you sit on the left or the right of the political spectrum, you must stop watching these two. The message they deliver is designed to motivate their political bases, it is not to deliver balanced perspectives. It is the ugly side of media – the side that revs up political hatred  that expands the differences amongst people.

Hannity is a moron, sort of. I have to give it to him because he has figured out a way to sell his message and profit from it. Maybe he is dumb as a fox. Pardon the pun. What is moronic is his message because he doesn’t bother to care about the truth. Yep, he will lie in order to further his political message. It sells.

Olbermann drives me crazy. His program was created as a counter to shows like Hannity and The Factor. Lets be  biased and over the top as the other guys. It sells. The left have eaten it up. But again, it divides people.

Who is to blame? We are. Why do we watch these guys. I tend to believe that they create a comfort level for the viewer that does not challenge their beliefs and viewpoints. It is comforting to listen to someone that emphasizes your political perspectives and views. It is uncomfortable for us to listen to a balanced view of the world.  I believe that abortion is wrong, watch Hannity. I believe that gays should marry – watch Olbermann.  Easy viewing, don’t bother me with a dialogue that takes in multiple views.

It is sad to watch all of this. So, I will stop watching Hannity, Olbermann, and any other show that does not make an effort to be fair and balance.

Oxymorons: Fox News and MSNBC News.

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