Category Archives: Technology

Hannity and Olbermann are idiots

If you are not familiar with Sean Hannity and Keith Olbermann than consider yourself saved. Saved from the biased bs that they deliver to millions of people. Whether you sit on the left or the right of the political spectrum, you must stop watching these two. The message they deliver is designed to motivate their political bases, it is not to deliver balanced perspectives. It is the ugly side of media – the side that revs up political hatred  that expands the differences amongst people.

Hannity is a moron, sort of. I have to give it to him because he has figured out a way to sell his message and profit from it. Maybe he is dumb as a fox. Pardon the pun. What is moronic is his message because he doesn’t bother to care about the truth. Yep, he will lie in order to further his political message. It sells.

Olbermann drives me crazy. His program was created as a counter to shows like Hannity and The Factor. Lets be  biased and over the top as the other guys. It sells. The left have eaten it up. But again, it divides people.

Who is to blame? We are. Why do we watch these guys. I tend to believe that they create a comfort level for the viewer that does not challenge their beliefs and viewpoints. It is comforting to listen to someone that emphasizes your political perspectives and views. It is uncomfortable for us to listen to a balanced view of the world.  I believe that abortion is wrong, watch Hannity. I believe that gays should marry – watch Olbermann.  Easy viewing, don’t bother me with a dialogue that takes in multiple views.

It is sad to watch all of this. So, I will stop watching Hannity, Olbermann, and any other show that does not make an effort to be fair and balance.

Oxymorons: Fox News and MSNBC News.

Bush Farewell Ironic

Many days I ponder the strange life we all lead with ironic twists of fate or comical double standards or just the fact that the sun can actually shine in Vancouver . Today is definitely one those days – the sun is still not shining though. Tonight was George Bush’s farewell speech to the country. The last  “this is what I have done” and “why I have done it” because “you will write about how much of a screw up I have been” talk to the nation. It is his final tv plea to historians or maybe – if the stars are aligned – his plea to a judge in a court of law. So what happens on his final speech night? A plane crashes in New York – oh irony how I have missed you.

Plane crashes in New York will be the next movie title of George Bush’s legacy. Each crash changed the way I looked at life and leadership.

As I watched the first plane hit the tower I remember wondering what the hell was wrong with that pilot? I was not processing that  an assassin had plotted this terror on innocent civilians.  I remember when George Bush hit the national scene as a president. I did not process that he would mastermind a diabolic war that assassinated over 100,00 Iraqis and 4,000 Americans. Maybe I should have understood that a man who allows his political team to spread vicious rumors of his political enemies – McCain (illegitimate black baby), Kerry (Swift Boat) etc … – would turn out to be no better than the enemies that attacked on that horrible day.

The second plane struck the tower and then we all knew.We knew that there are people in this world that are pure evil. An evil that is masked by twisting the true word of God. An evil that has a father send his son to be a suicide bomber. An evil that has no honour. It was the second plane that provide George Bush with the leverage to go to Iraq – without a doubt the stupidest strategic decision since hmm… I can’t think of the name of that country somewhere in Asia that has created so many movies of stoned kids fighting for no good reason hmm… I am sure it will come to me.

Can you believe that a third plane goes down in New York the day he give his farewell speech. Writers all over the world are going to have a field day with this one.  I almost started laughing out loud – only after I found out everyone was alright. It made me believe that everything is going to be okay. Bush is out. A plane crashes and no one dies in New York. We are headed for better days and someone is sure sending us a clear message.

Wondering what i thought about when I saw the third plane crash? I thought about the hero. The pilot who in a terrifying moment used all of his knowledge and experience to take on a challenge that looked fatal and lead the people to safety. A true hero. I think back to Sept 11th and how the president took his plane and hid and then proceeded to Iraq (We can all agree that Bush did well going into Afghanistan). I am hoping that the pilot’s heroism will foreshadow the Obama administration. Let us hope that this will be last of plane crashes and George Bush.

Canadian Car Industry

I have been shopping for a new vehicle in Canada for the last 2 weeks and am extremely frustrated with the difference in pricing between Canada and the US.  The time has come for Canadian consumers to stop purchasing new cars in Canada. The industry continues to overcharge because we are still buying these cars. We need to either buy in the US or wait until this abuse of price gauging stops. I call on all Canadian to stop this now. Is there any protest site or lawsuit information?

The Fix is In – Seahawks getting ripped off

I don’t usually like to vent, however, I am sitting here at half time and should let all know that the fix is in. The NFL and most of America want a Steeler win and the refs are here to ensure it happens. Forget that the Seahawks, one of the league’s least penalized teams, has been called on almost all special team situations and called for holding on numerous situations. Forget that Jackson’s offensive interference was a tic-tac call, what sealed the deal for me is that after review a steeler touchdown when clearly the ball did not cross the line, the referee on the field upheld the decision on the field.
Three weeks ago, the Steelers accused the league (referees) of trying to get the Colts to win because everyone wanted Manning to win the superbowl. Charges that I would agree with given the obvious interception that was taken away from the Steelers.

There is something strange in the air … Trust me on this.